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Reviews of bestsellers

BEWIT C60 Unique DUO

C60 Series

BEWIT MERKABA Ultimate Elixir




BEWIT Young barley - juice powder, BIO RAW

Green superfoods

GO BEWIT! (Start with Bewit!)


BEWIT C60 Unique DUO

BEWIT C60 Unique DUO

C60 Series

BEWIT MERKABA Ultimate Elixir

BEWIT MERKABA Ultimate Elixir






"Un produs extraordinar,ma simt f bine,plina de energie."

BEWIT Young barley - juice powder, BIO RAW

BEWIT Young barley - juice powder, BIO RAW

Green superfoods

GO BEWIT! (Start with Bewit!)

GO BEWIT! (Start with Bewit!)



"Cel mai bun set cu care sa incepi testarea produselor Bewit. Toate sunt minunate, arome si mirosuri unice. Eu, personal le combin la difuzor pentru a-mi crea un ambient placut acasa. Fiecare amestec de ulei,..."


BEWIT Frankincense Serrata

BEWIT Frankincense Serrata

Single essential oils

Este un produs de top.Il flosesc in fiecare dimineata,2 pi­caturi sub limba.

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BEWIT Frankincense Serrata

BEWIT Frankincense Serrata

Single essential oils

the king of oils. If you have the king of oils at hand, you have everything.

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BEWIT Rosehip oil

BEWIT Rosehip oil

Cosmetic oils

Kupiłam olejek Rosehip z myślą właśnie o bliznach.U mojej córki została niewielka blizna po oparzeniu i na plecach ma po otarciu o liny w parku linowym.Olejek ten łączę z olejem rycynowym i smaruję jej 2 razy dziennie.Po tygodniu stosowania juz zauwazyłam ze blizny zbladły dość mocno i są mało widoczne.Jestem dumna i szczęśliwa z zakupu i polecam kazdemu.

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Essential oil blends

Długo zastanawiałam się nad kupnem olwjku Bewit 33,ale teraz wiem ze będzie ze mną na stałe.Z przeziębiem radzi sobie bardzo szybko,uzyłam go do dyfuzora i smarowałam stopy.Przeziębienie przeszlam bardzo lekko.Uzylam go równiez na skronie i przespałam całą noc.Córka miała mały przypadek na boisku i została kopnięta w kostke.Uzyłam go do masazu razem z olejkiem Move it i Gold col.Jest ogromnie zadowolona ze mam to cudo.

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BEWIT Holy Antoining

BEWIT Holy Antoining

Essential Oils

Sunt incantata de acest amestec de uleiuri care pentru mine fuctioneaza ca un balsam …pentru suflet si tot ce pot sa spun este ca imi induce acea pace si liniste sufleteasca de care am nevoie pentru a depasi starile de agitatie sau diferite provocari la care de multe ori nu stiu cum sa reactionez. Il folosesc in difiuzer si e minunat cum deodata parca se ridica ceata si gasesc solutii cu calm si bucurie ! Va invit sa-l descoperiti si sunt convinsa ca nu o sa regretati !

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+ 3

BEWIT Geranium

BEWIT Geranium

Single essential oils

Geránium mi velmi pomáhá s PMS, uklidňuje nervový systém, podporuje ženskost, pomáhá mi zklidňovat trávicí systém při překyselení. Používám ho v difuzéru. Jeden z mých oblíbených při překonávání PMS, také Moon, Holy Basil, Ylang-Ylang, Šalvěj, Fenykl, Bergamot.

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+ 4

BEWIT Rosewood

BEWIT Rosewood

Single essential oils

I love the smell of Rosewood, oil, I lived for over five years on a tiny street called Rosewood Place, in Kapiti Coast ,New Zealand, and it's where I got introduced to the magical world of certified therapeutic essential oils, I never got the oil of Rosewood till I found Bewit, so I am very grateful for this oil, it brings vitality, serenity and balance to my life.

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+ 10

BEWIT Cardamom Green

BEWIT Cardamom Green

Single essential oils

my daughter used one drop of Cardamom oil after I picked her up from the sick bay at school, it was a tummy bug going around at the time, we came home,she was feeling sick, i scanned her using the zyto scan, and cardamom was the first oil that came up, she drank a glass of water with one drop of Cardamom Oil and vomited once, after that she got better, she went to school the second day, and to gymnastics and competitions in the weekend, I remembered to ask about another girl that was with her the day I picked her up, that girl missed school for a week

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+ 16



Single essential oils

I love LEMON. Everybody like it. Aroma is fresh,light, warming and encouraging. Supports really contretation, clear thinking and selv-discipline. I recommend Lemon to all.

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BEWIT Strawberry Seed Oil

BEWIT Strawberry Seed Oil

Cosmetic oils

Tento olej mam velmi rada, vyuzivam ho na vsestranne vyuzitie, aj do vlasov pred umytim, vlasy ostanu jemne a vlacne. Beriem si ho so sebou na dovolenky aj po opaleni je super na zvlacnenie pokozky. Odporucam :)

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BEWIT Super Fresh Linseed Oil, BIO

BEWIT Super Fresh Linseed Oil, BIO

Plant Oils

Díky Bewit za tento úžasný olej – bohužel už je prázdný ?, dorazil v pondělí a dneska je sobota a už nemáme. Neskutečně vynikající chuť, lahodný, sametový, prostě boží. Celá rodina ke nadšená a objednávám další. Díky Bewit ❤️

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BEWIT Coldet

BEWIT Coldet

Essential oil blends

Hello. Some already know my story. This was first product (and Miracle) that i tried from Bewit. I had some problems with skin (some ekcema that i couldnt get rid off) so Jiri said that most likely problem is in guts and liver. So i started to take Coldet one drop a day. My general health improoved and also my skin problems was gone after a month. I love Coldet!

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+ 16

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I'm interested
100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments

Own formulas and developments

We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA

We honour the principles of AHINSA

It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.