Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste


Buckwheat is a great source of fibre, rutin and minerals. Thanks to its short cooking time, it retains most of its nutrients while saving you time in the kitchen!

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What you need:

100 g BEWIT Hulled buckwheat - hail, BIO
BEWIT Thyme thymol
BEWIT Rosemary
2 tablespoons BEWIT Fractionated Coconut Oil / MCT
1 tablespoon BEWIT Organic Coconut Oil
BEWIT Himalayan salt pink - finely ground
BEWIT Black pepper whole
BIO Tempeh⁠
2 small carrots
1 parsnip
1 leek
200 ml of water
Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste


Quick cooking buckwheat: Pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan, bring it to the boil and add the buckwheat. Cook for 1 minute, then remove from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to rest for 20 minutes. Buckwheat soaks up the water and gets a soft, fluffy texture.

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Preparation of vegetables and tempeh: Cut the leeks, carrots, parsnip and tempeh into small pieces.

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Restoration: Heat BEWIT Coconut Oil BIO in a pan and sauté the vegetables until soft. Add the tempeh and continue to sauté to get a golden crust.

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Oil spice mix: Pour BEWIT Fractionated Coconut Oil / MCT into the bowl. Using a toothpick, add BEWIT Thyme Thymol and BEWIT Rosemary essential oils - dedicate a separate toothpick to each oil so they do not mix.

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Finish: Mix buckwheat with vegetables and tempeh, add the prepared oil mixture, season with BEWIT Himalayan Salt and freshly ground BEWIT Black Pepper.

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Tip: This dish is a great choice for a light lunch or dinner. Buckwheat is filling and takes minimal time to prepare - ideal for days when you want to serve a healthy meal quickly.

Essential cooking | Buckwheat bowl full of aroma and taste

Try it and discover the simplicity and magic of buckwheat!