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BEWIT Cinnamon, bark

This is a 100% pure essential oil

BEWIT Cinnamon, Bark

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

The aroma is sweetly spicy, warm, typical of cinnamon. Great to cheer up, warm up and to promote self-acceptance .

It is also suitable for flavouring food and drinks.

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26,9 £

22,5 £ without VAT (20%)

BP: 42.64

Code: 9000000100010160

100% pure and natural Ahinsa CTEO® Insect Free Laboratory tested No dyes No phosphates Non GMO Non synthetic Pyramidised

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on animals.


The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences. 

To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.

Insect Free

The product contains no insects or parts thereof.

Laboratory tested

We check the exact composition and quality of essential oils at a unique level in our laboratory in Ostrava. For more information on the methods by which we discover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, se you could find out here

Did you know that you can download the oil analysis on the tab of each product, under the „Downloads“ tab? Or just take a look at the a sample example ofPalmarosa essential oil.

No dyes

The product does not contain dyes.

No phosphates

The product does not contain phosphates.


The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have not been genetically modified.

Non synthetic

The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced ingredients.


To significantly improve the properties, quality, durability and efficiency of the product, we apply harmonising pyramidal energy to it during processing, storage and shipping. More information about BEWIT pyramids here.


Cinnamon essential oil harbours a pleasant stimulating scent that will invigorate you when you are weak, boost your performance and help with inconsistency. Its warm, spicy notes will warm your heart, encouraging self-acceptanceand helping you to build stable relationships. It will also** make your home more comfortable and **create a sensual mood.

Because of its sweet and spicy aromatic properties, it is also suitable for enriching dishes and drinks.


Cinnamon tree of Ceylon ( //Cinnamomum zeylanicum //) – an evergreen, aromatic, tropical tree of the laurel family, native to Sri Lanka. The resulting essential oil is extracted from its bark by a gentle process, steam distillation.


There's no cinnamon like cinnamon

Cinnamon is obtained from the two best known species of cinnamon tree, the Ceylon cinnamon tree and the Chinese cinnamon tree. The two species differ in their harvesting techniques.

In the Ceylon cinnamon tree, the** thin inner layer of bark is collected. The collected yellow-brown rolls of inner bark are stacked on top of each other, **taking the shape of the familiar rolls when dried. In contrast, the outer bark layer of the cinnamon tree is collected in broken pieces.


Cinnamon essential oil is a natural cocktail of hundreds of biologically active substances. However, a substance called (E)-cinnamaldehyde is considered to be the key.


Encouraging helper

Cinnamon essential oil harbours a pleasant stimulating scent that will invigorate you when you are weak, boost your performance and help reduce inconsistency.

A guaranteed path to self-love

Its warm, spicy notes will warm your heart, encouraging self-acceptanceand helping you to build stable relationships. Add an adequate amount of essential oil to the diffuser and let the warm power of cinnamon essence surround you.

A space to breathe freely Cinnamon essential oil will bring a pleasant communal atmosphere into your home, ** purify the air and create space to breathe freely**. It is therefore a great essence, especially on cold days.

To induce sensual moods

Cinnamon essential oil helps you **dissolve emotional coldness, balance your sexual harmony and identify with your identity **. Take advantage of these attributes for sensual and relaxing moments.

With sugar-free cinnamon

The intense and sweet taste of cinnamon bark can partially replace the sweet taste. Cinnamon essential oil can therefore be very useful in limiting sugary tastes. Keep your cravings under control and choose a more favourable snacking option.

Use in the kitchen

Cinnamon essential oil provides a great way to add pizzazz and great flavour to your dishes. It can be used, for example, to flavour sweet dishes, desserts, creams, cakes, gingerbread, porridge, cocktails, smoothies and cocoa.

When flavouring food, however, always use essential oil thoroughly diluted with edible oil. Just dip the tip of the toothpick in essential oil and stir it in 20 ml of vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil). **A few drops of the prepared mixture, season the finished dish. To make the flavour of the essential oil stand out in the dish, **we recommend adding it to the finished dish.


  • Encourages when weakened, aids performance and helps with inconsistency
  • Promotes self-acceptance and helps to build stable relationships
  • It evokes a pleasant congenial atmosphere
  • Purifies the air and creates space to breathe freely
  • It will help dissolve emotional coldness, balance sexual harmony and identify with identity
  • Useful in limiting sugary foods
  • Once diluted, it is suitable for flavouring food and drinks
  • Suitable for mixing with clove, cardamom, bergamot, orange, tea tree and ginger


Symbol prosperity

The first mention of the cinnamon tree comes from as early as 4000 BC in China. ** In ancient times it was worth its weight in gold , but for a long time it was not known where cinnamon came from. In Europe, cinnamon was first known from the bark of the Chinese cinnamon tree. It was only thanks to overseas discoveries** in the 16th century** that Ceylon cinnamon began to be imported**.


100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

CTEO® - Certified Therapeutic Essential Oils

CTEO® - Certified Therapeutic Essential Oils

There is no global standard for what composition essential oils should properly meet. Therefore, we have developed our own system of standards and protocols for monitoring, controlling and evaluating the quality of essential oils.

Own formulas and developments

Own formulas and developments

We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA

We honour the principles of AHINSA

It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.


Czech botanical name: --
English Name: BEWIT Cinnamon, Bark
Latin name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Country of origin: India
Part of the plant: Bark
Method of obtaining: Steam distilled
Colour: Dark yellow
Aroma: Characteristic cinnamon

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India - AX2022/02


BEWIT Cinnamon, bark

This is a 100% pure essential oil

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(22 reviews)

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Miroslav Žákovský

Miroslav Žákovský

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Skořice, kůra

Zdravím rodinko 🙋🏻, chci se podělit o čerstvou, byť každoroční zkušenost s EO skořice. Bydlím v malém bytovém domě pod Ještedem. Čtyři byty a já v prním patře pod střechou. Každý rok v tomto období se začnou rojit mravenci. Velké, tmavé, pohybující se kolonie od střechy až kolem dvou oken. Dnes nejvíc a kolem všech pěti oken 👀 prostě invaze 😄🐜🐜🐜 Přátelé, 200 ml vody, 15 kapek skořice a po pěti minutách skoro čisto 👍😉 škoda, že mne napadlo fotit až po zásahu. Preventivně sypeme z jara do všech prahů oken skořici, samozřejmě Bewit, pár kousků hřebíčku a musím říct, že celý rok nemáme v bytě mravence, mouchy, komáry a jinou drobotínu😎 na rozdíl od sousedů, kde to řeší chemicky. Měl jsem potřebu se podělit o svou radost ❤️ Mějte se krásně a ať se nám daří 🍀 Míra

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+ 6

Sbircea Laura

Sbircea Laura

Română RO (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

Si acest ulei este minunat, in perioada de iarna nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din casa, de da sentimentul de caldura sufleteasca, pe mine parca ma imbratiseaza si ma linisteste dupa o zi agitata. Cand e foarte frig afara il port cu mine si mai miros die el ca sa ma incalzeasca. Il folosim la prajituri, Cocktail dar si in difuzor. Daca am picioarele reci, dupa o zi de munca in zapada si frig, imi masez talpile picioarelor cu el, combinat cu ulei purtator. Si acest ulei danseaza in interiorul meu si il iubesc. Multumesc BEWIT!

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Katarzyna  Rozenek

Katarzyna Rozenek

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Olejek cynamonowy jest jednym z moich ulubionych w okresie zimowym. Służy mi do wytwarzania domowych kosmetyków, które pachną obłędnie. Świetnie aromatyzuje potrawy. Używam go jako składnika kompozycji ułatwiającej trawienie. Bardzo często wkrapiam kilka kropli do dyfuzora w połączeniu z imbirem i pomarańczą. Zapach ten nadaje cudowny klimat, uspokaja, odpręża, redukuje natłok myśli, pomaga zasnąć.

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+ 1

Kateřina Černá

Kateřina Černá

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Skořice, kůra

Jednoduše waaau. 😀 Tahle skořice má pro mě teda grády. 😀 Zkoušela jsem 1 kapku do štrůdlu a úžasný. Je to velmi silná vůně. ❤️

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Larysa Korszla

Larysa Korszla

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Moja opiniana temat olejku cynamonowego jest mega pozytywna. Zapach cynamonu przywoluje na myśl wspomnienia Świąt, ciepłej szarlotki pieczonej przez mamę. Olejek może oddziałowywać korzystnie na nasze zmysły, ciało i poprawiać nam nasze samopoczucie. Ma silne działania przeciwbakteryjne, przeciwzapalne i przeciwgrzy­biczne. Działa pozytywnie na układ krążenia i na układ nerwowy. Wspomaga obnizyc poziom cukru we krwi i zwiększa aktywność insuliny. Ponieważ ja mam insulinooporość i po kilku zabiegach z olejkuem czuje się o wiele lepiej. Co dla cukrzyków jest bardzo ważne. Polecam go również do odświeżania powietrza w pomieszczeniach. Zapach wprowadza nas w niesamowity miły i ciepły klimat. W przypadku przeziębienia pomaga zwalczyć infekcje. Kilka kropelek olejku dodać do kąpieli lub natrzeć nim klatkę piersiową i stopy. Ale trzeba pamiętać ze trzeba najpierw rozcieńczyć z olejkiem bazowym. Polecam gorąco.

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Nikola Karolyiova

Nikola Karolyiova

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Náš obľubený vianočný olejček. Po minulé roky som kombinovala škoricu-pomaranč-klinček, no tento rok som sa rozhodla pre túto zmes a lepšie som teda urobiť nemohla. Milujem jeho vôňu a veľmi odporúčam. Tieto vianoce ním obdarujem aj svojich najbližších. Odporúčam!

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+ 3

Martina Krkošová

Martina Krkošová

Slovensky SK (translate)

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BEWIT Škorica, kôra

Vianočné olejčeky pripravené na vianočné trhy v dedinke Trebostovo. Zmiešala som kokosovy olej s EO škorica, pomaranč, klinček🥰🙏ozdobila fľaštičky, a ide sa predávať 😍

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Maria Jablonovska

Maria Jablonovska

Slovensky SK (translate)

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BEWIT Škorica, kôra

Olej Cinnamon bark používam spolu s kokosovým olejom na varenie raňajkových kaši. Do hotového taniera nakvapkam pár kvapiek už vopred namiešaného kokosoveho oleja s cinnamonom (nádherne cítim ako sa mi telo prehrieva a užívam si chvíle pohody). 🙏

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+ 1

Patrycja Centkowska

Patrycja Centkowska

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Cynamon wraz z pomarańczą i goździkami idealnie nadaje się do porannej kawy pitej na tarasie przy odgłosach z lasu – smakuje wyśmienicie

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Agata Piatkowska

Agata Piatkowska

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Fajny, przyjemny zapach. Idealnie rozgrzewa dodajac 1–2 krople do kawy, a ten smak!

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Nikola Karolyiova

Nikola Karolyiova

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Jedľový olejček ma svojou vôňou prenesie do lesa vždy, keď to moja duša potrebuje, či sedím v kancelárii, alebo v škole a mona myseľ si tak nájde cestu oddychu. V zimných mesiacov kvapkám do difuzéra s cédrom, škoricou a pomarančom na navodenie krásnej vianočnej vône.

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+ 4

Martina Krkošová

Martina Krkošová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Škorica, kôra

Ahojte, taaak tento olejček škorica bol minule v akcii, a veľmi som ho chcela vyskúšať 😊úžasne prevonia miestnosť a navodzuje pocit šťastia, radosti a pohody. Mne sa spája škorica aj s Vianocami 🤗 Chystám sa doobjednať si kokosový olej, a zmiešať 1 až 2 kvapky škoricového EO a pridávať si tiež ráno do kaše, ako spomínate v recenziách, ďakujem za tipy😉🙏🥰

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Zoja Pavonova

Zoja Pavonova

Slovensky SK (translate)

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BEWIT Kardamóm zelený

EO KARDAMOM: vždy mám pripravenú šálku plnú medu plus 2–3 kvapky Kardamomu, 2 kvapky EO ŠKORICE takto ochutený med má fantastickú chuť, je možné jesť ho len tak celými lyžicami .-) , ale ja ho používam do kávy spolu s lyžičkou Kokosoveho oleja , plus 2–3 kvapky EO COLDET, prípadne na ochutenie čaju, alebo len tak do čistej horúcej vody. Chuťový zážitok je garantovaný nehovoriac že táto zmes pomáha pri omladení celého organizmu (kardamom), podporenie imunity (škorica, coldet) , očista čriev ( coldet), podpora srdca (kokosový olej, med)

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+ 11

Monika Książek

Monika Książek

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Cynamon, pachnąca szarlotka, jesienna kawa. Intensywny i lekko słodki smak, rozgrzewająca moc w małej kropelce. Do ścierek, do kawy, do dyfuzora. Uwielbiam

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Marcin Książek

Marcin Książek

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Mocny smak cynamonu, lekko orzeźwia smak kawy. Wystarczy kropla, by poczuć jego intensywność.

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Dominika Gorska

Dominika Gorska

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Cynamon, kora

Jako wieczny zmarźluch używam olejku z cynamonu do rozgrzewania się szczególnie w okresie jesienno-zimowym. Uwielbiam dać kroplę do ulubionej kawy czy dyfuzować. Z racji na fakt, że poprawia ukrwienie skóry dodaje go często go kremu lub maski do włosów i wmasowuje w czubek głowy. Jest też super afrodyzjakiem ;)

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Tünde Márkus

Tünde Márkus

Magyar HU (translate)

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BEWIT Fahéj, kéreg

Imádom az illatát. Nagyon intenzív, minimális mennyisèg elèg belőle,mind belső, mind külső felhasználásra. Èrzèkeny bőrűek figyelemmel használják! Szaunában próbáltuk ki. Ügyetlen voltam, felfröccsent felöntès közben a kezemre. Elèg csúnya piros, ègő foltokat mart a kezemre,lekentük kóksz olajjal, gyorsan lenyugtatta a bőrömet.Azóta nagyon körültekintő vagyok a fahèjjal, de továbbra is használom!

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Oksana Ogorodnikovova

Oksana Ogorodnikovova

Slovensky SK (translate)

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BEWIT Hrozienka sultana BIO, RAW

Recept na ryžový nákyp s hrozienkami od Bewitu: 200 ml mlieka 2× vajcia Pl lyžiaca medu alebo hnedého cukru 100 ml predvarenej ryže (hnedej alebo bielej) Všetky ingrediencie zmiešame v miske a v predvarenej rúre pečieme dozlatista. Môžeme dochutiť škoricovou esenciou.

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+ 2

Barbora Staňková

Barbora Staňková

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Skořice, kůra

Pokud piju na podzim a v zimě raw šťávy, dodávají mi sice živou a radostnou energii, ale zároveň mě chladí. S tím jsem si nevěděla už několik let rady, protože jsem nechtěla ze šťavnaté raw energie slevit, ale také jsem nechtěla ani pořád „klepat kosu“ :-) Jedna nebo dvě kapky raw zázvoru a k tomu 1 kapka skořice do lahve se šťávou či smoothie a je to vyřešené. Zázvor a skořice opravdu zahřívají moje tělo, ačkoliv jsem jinak nesnědla nic „teplého“ a já si můžu vesele užívat živosti! :-) Má příjemnou chuť. ;-)

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+ 4

Katarzyna Obuchowska

Katarzyna Obuchowska

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Cynamon, kora

piekny korzenny zapach, dodaje go do oleju rycynowego i smaruje nim brzuch i uda.dziala cuda!

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