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I share enthusiasm and experiences with essences


Naturopath Lenka Zvolánková has a clear vision. She wants to create a new world — to live a natural and joyful life without pain, despair and suffering. She told us how the BEWIT Wellbeing programme helps her to do this and how it has changed her therapeutic practice.

BEWIT Wellbeing ambassador Lenka Zvolankova

How did BEWIT come into your life?

My friend Vladěnka Brátová showed me her BEWIT Go kit at the beginning of February 2016. She dripped the oils into little bowls of water and on popsicle sticks, and then we soaked up the fragrant aroma together and let its enchanting notes work their magic on us. From the first sniff, the essences were magical for me, I felt the purity, the truthfulness, the unique healing energy. Within a few days I registered, bought my first Go kit, met Pavlina and Petr Valente and then Jirka Černota, who came to Hradec regularly and talked about essences and BEWIT. In six years, our group in Hradec has grown a lot, it's my second family.

How has your therapeutic practice changed with BEWIT?

Before BEWIT, I used other detoxifying products which even though suited me they did not have the same range of effectiveness. I wished to discover something that would go deep into the client's soul and would harmonise them on all levels. This has come true for me with BEWIT essences. As an example of such a transformation, I can mention my dad, for whom I recommended the Help H (help the heart) mixture for heart weakness. Not only did he stop panting, his blood pressure evened out and he had more energy, and he became more kind and warm-hearted. He welcomed us

with a radiant smile and open arms, something he hadn't been able to do with his closed heart.

What specifically do you use most often in your practice?

Based on the results of the instrument measurements, each client receives recommendations for detoxification and harmonisation in order to restore the body's self-healing mechanisms as much as possible. I use blends of essences mainly from the BEWIT Vision kit. We put it together with Petr and Pavlina to cover basic detoxification and support the body and psyche on multiple levels. I also recommend the algae chlorella and spirulina, mainly for their ability to bind toxic pollutants in the intestines. I also often use BEWIT Home products, especially the tissue salts and the frequency information range. And more and more people are praising Prawteins for their high nutritional value in just a espresso spoon.

BEWIT Wellbeing ambassador Lenka Zvolankova

And can you tell us what products you personally use?

I have tried many essential oil blends on myself, which fascinate me the most of all BEWIT products, like a well arranged orchestra, each time with a different, beautifully pleasant melody. I am currently using a blend of Money, (abundance in the tangible and intangible planes), Power (strength that supports my strength and peace) and Earth (grounding and trust in the meaningfulness of all that I experience). And my daily treat is a tablespoon of powdered spirulina mixed into coconut oil. And in order not to forget about cosmetics, there are quite a few vials in our bathroom, which my daughters also use. Rose essential water is ordered in litre packs. When I feel the urge, we always have some Prawtein in stock.

How do you take advantage of the Wellbeing Programme benefits specifically?

When I tried the first oils on myself and my family (in February 2016) and the effects came soon enough - cedar for my bladder infection, mint for my husband's cold, orange for my children's tummy aches - I felt the need to share my enthusiasm with friends and acquaintances. I bypassed them with the Go kit and everyone bought it. My intention was not a business, from the beginning I just wanted to share my enthusiasm, which grew stronger and stronger with more and more experiences with the essences. I show respect to the oils every day and they reward me by taking care of me themselves. They've brought me almost seven hundred satisfied customers, providing me with a BEWIT annuity and a nice monthly income.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

BEWIT is an essential part of my New Earth. Pure natural products together with pure human souls fill me with endless joy.

I wish everyone to discover and develop their highest potential through BEWIT. And also, may they find meaning in creating together and giving joy to all those whose lives they enter.

BEWIT Wellbeing ambassador Lenka Zvolankova

Lenka Zvolánková

Residence: Hradec Králové

The most popular BEWIT product: BEWIT essential oil blends

Member of BEWIT FAMILY from: 02/2016