BEWIT Magnesite (howlite)
semi-precious stone
Howlite has a calming energy that can help relieve stress, calm tantrums and bad moods, and deal with aggressive people.
In stock
14,1 £
11,8 £ without VAT (20%)
Code: 8000000000010041
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Miluji fluority a proto jsem si tento objednala, neočekávala jsem nic zvláštního a proto jsem byla tak krásně překvapená, když dorazil a já jej rozbalila. Okamžitě mě překvapila velikost a síla tohoto polodrahokamu. Pěkně jsem ho očistila a uvítala do naší rodiny. Je opravdu nádherný. Je tak krásný, čistý a neuvěřitelně harmonizuje. Postupně jsem si objednala i Amazonit, Ametyst, Astrofylit, Aventurin, Citrín, Kambaba Jaspis, Lapis Lazuli, Magnezit, Obsidián, Růženín, Sodalit, Turmalín, Tygří Oko, Záhnědu, Zelený Fluorid a Žlutý Fluorid, Zoisit. Všechny tyto Poklady jsou neskutečně krásné, čisté, opravdu velké a mají čistou kvalitu. moc doufám, že přidáte opět i Titanium Halo, to jsem si už pořídit nestačila. Mnohokrát za tyto Poklady děkuji.“

Mirka Krönke
HOWLITE – MAGNESITE – soothing stone
Howlite, also known as magnesite, is a calcium borosilicate hydroxide mineral that crystallises as masses, nodules and occasionally small prismatic crystals. This is commonly found in a colour scheme consisting of chalky white with black veins.
Howlite was named after chemist Henry Howe, who discovered it in Canada in 1868.
- They are the stones of the third eye and the crown chakra.
- They are useful for meditation and exploring past lives.
- Their energy helps to increase patience.
- It can help you achieve your goals by helping you stay the course in what you do.
- Howlite is suitable if you are studying, it inspires you to search for new ideas.
Leading to spirituality
Stones that stimulate the crown chakra will help when you are working towards fulfilling specific spiritual ideals. Using them can help spiritual growth and release self-centred or selfish behaviour.
Howlite was first discovered in 1868 near Windsor, Nova Scotia. Henry Howe (a well-known Canadian chemist and geologist) was alerted to a strange mineral in a gypsum mine near his office at nearby King's College. He examined this unusual crystal and identified it as an entirely new mineral. He originally named it „silicoborocalcite“, a reference to the chemical structure at the time. Later, after his death, James Dwight Dana (a well-known American geologist and volcanologist) renamed it „Howlite“ in his honour.
In addition to its original discovery in Nova Scotia, Howlite can also be found in Germany, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. In the United States, there are two states with very important deposits, which are California and Nevada. Both sites are the only mines in the world where Howlite has been found in crystalline form.
Height approx. 80–110 mm.
Smaller weight approx. 80–100 g, larger 110–130 g.
Sharpened to a point.
Photo is for illustration only. Each semi-precious stone is a unique original and may differ slightly in shape and texture from the photographs.
BEWIT Magnesite (howlite)
semi-precious stone
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