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BEWIT Lemongrass

100% pure essential oil

BEWIT Lemongrass

Cymbopogon citratus

The aroma is light, fresh, citrusy with earthy notes. An uplifting oil that mentally cleanses and gives a positive outlook on life.

It is a fantastic choice for toning and cleansing problematic and oily skin.

In stock

7,3 £

6,1 £ without VAT (20%)

BP: 11.44

Code: 1000000100050033

100% pure and natural Ahinsa CTEO® Insect Free Laboratory tested No dyes No phosphates Non GMO Non synthetic Pyramidised

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on animals.


The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences. 

To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.

Insect Free

The product contains no insects or parts thereof.

Laboratory tested

We check the exact composition and quality of essential oils at a unique level in our laboratory in Ostrava. For more information on the methods by which we discover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, se you could find out here Or just take a look at the a sample example of.

No dyes

The product does not contain dyes.

No phosphates

The product does not contain phosphates.


The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have not been genetically modified.

Non synthetic

The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced ingredients.


To significantly improve the properties, quality, durability and efficiency of the product, we apply harmonising pyramidal energy to it during processing, storage and shipping. More information about BEWIT pyramids here.


Lemongrass essential oil will delight you with its unique fresh scent that invigorates, mentally cleanses and gives a positive outlook on life. It is suitable when you need to give an instant boost and get away from the worries of everyday life. Therefore, it is a great remedy for revitalizing massage after a heavy exercise. It also effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors and works as a repellent.

For its cleansing and toning effects, it can also be included in everyday skin care.


Lemon scent (Cymbopogon flexuosus) is a sturdy, perennial tropical grass native to Southeast Asia. The resulting essential oil is extracted from their leaves by a gentle process, steam distillation.


As with other lichen grasses, lemongrass silica, unlike most citrus essential oils,** is not phototoxic**.


Lemongrass essential oil is a natural cocktail of hundreds of biologically active substances. However, the substances called Geranial and Neral are considered to have the main roles.


For mental harmony

Lemongrass essential oil will delight you with its unique fresh scent that will invigorate you, cleanse you mentally and give you a positive outlook on life. It is suitable when you need to give an instant boost and get away from the worries of everyday life.

For an invigorating massage

Because of its invigorating nature, lemongrass essential oil is a great remedy for a revitalizing massage after physical exercise. Add a few drops to your carrier oil, massage into tired muscles and enjoy regaining your balance.

Effective insect repellent

Lemongrass essential oil will be your first aid during summer evenings in nature to repel troublesome insects. Because of its geranial content, lemongrass is considered an insect-free essential oil, making it an effective natural repellent.For housekeeping and deodorizing

Lemongrass essential oil is suitable for both home and public areas to freshen the area and neutralize any unpleasant odors.

For a radiant complexion

Essential oil is a fantastic choice to tone and cleanse problematic and oily skin. By adding a few drops of it into your carrier oil, you can create an effective cosmetic product that will leave your skin feeling infinitely clean and fresh. It can also be added to shampoo for greasy hair without shine.


  • Encourages, spiritually purify and gives a positive outlook on life
  • Helps to give an instant boost and detach from everyday worries
  • It is suitable for revitalizing massages of tired muscles
  • Effectively freshens the room and neutralises unpleasant odors
  • Works as a repellent
  • Perfect for toning and cleansing of problematic and oily skin
  • Great for oily hair without shine
  • It is suitable for mixing with citrus oils, lavender, geranium and ylang-ylang


Always dilute the essential oil thoroughly with „BEWIT carrier oil“ before applying to the skin

  . Number of drops* Amount of carrier oil[ml]
Basic dilution 5 30
10ml oil perfumes 1 10
50ml skin serums and creams 8 50
100ml skin serums 16 100
200ml body and massage oils 33 200

*1 drop of essential oil = approx. 0.05 ml

Recommended bottles:


From kitchen to beautification

Lemon grass has its origins in Southeast Asia, where it was important in folk medicine and as a flavoring agent in Asian cuisine. Today, it is a common component of perfume compositions and cosmetic products.

Country of origin: India

100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments

Own formulas and developments

We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA

We honour the principles of AHINSA

It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.


Czech botanical name: --
English Name: BEWIT Lemongrass
Latin name: Cymbopogon citratus
Country of origin: India
Part of the plant: Leaves
Method of obtaining: Steam distilled
Colour: Light yellow
Aroma: Characteristic, citrus

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India - AX2022/04


BEWIT Lemongrass

100% pure essential oil

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(57 reviews)

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Eva Miklošová

Eva Miklošová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Milujem citrusové vône a citrónová tráva je topka pre moje zmysly. Difúzujem ju na našej všeobecnej ambulancii, kde treba odľahčiť a osviežiť priestor. Už si ho pýtala aj kolegyna odvedla :-) a difúzuje si ho tiež. Stačí raz privoňať.

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Monika  Brych

Monika Brych

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Trawa cytrynowa

Lemongrass to moja miłość od pierwszego użycia. Tak obłędnie pachnie, że nie wyobrażam sobie aby nie mieć tego olejku w domu.

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+ 1

Kamila Mokošová

Kamila Mokošová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Tento olejček je moja láska. Kvapkam si ho do vlasov, mám ho nariadený ako parfém. Používam aj v domácnosti. Mám ho vždy pri sebe. Úžasná vôňa. 🩷

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Violetta Csépe

Violetta Csépe

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citromfű

A BEWIT Citromfű illóolaj egy kiváló választás mindazok számára, akik természetes módon szeretnének frissességet és nyugalmat vinni a mindennapjaikba. Ez az olaj híres a friss, citrusos illatáról, amely nemcsak az elmét frissíti fel, hanem a levegőt is tisztítja, így ideális választás lehet diffúzorban használva otthon vagy irodában.

A citromfű illóolaj antibakteriális és fertőtlenítő tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik, így segíthet a környezetünk higiénikusabbá tételében. Ezenkívül gyakran használják stressz és szorongás oldására, mivel nyugtató hatással van az idegrendszerre, elősegíti a relaxációt és javítja az alvás minőségét​, nálam ezek a tulajdonságai miatt van használva a leginkább, és nagyon hatásosnak bizonyult :)

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Iwona Kupiec

Iwona Kupiec

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Trawa cytrynowa

Świeży, cytrusowy zapach. W połączeniu z red orange w szklanej buteleczce idealnie nadaję się jako odświeżacz do auta. Mieszanka ta dodaje energii, dodatkowo jest uwielbiana przez dzieci.

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Eva Beranová

Eva Beranová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Nádherná vôňa,vyrobila som pár voňavých roloniek, v ktorých nesmel chýbať lemongrass. Kamarátky sa veľmi tešili. Milujem tú vônu, je prekrásna. ❤️

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+ 2

Ivett  Végh Kolláth

Ivett Végh Kolláth

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citromfű

Egyik kedvenc illatom. Hasonlóan a levendulához mindig megnyugtat, ellazít. Minden fürdőszobában megtalálható nálunk illatosításra. Szárítóban is használom. Nagyon kellemes illata van.

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Jana Leitmanova

Jana Leitmanova

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Vôňa lemongras je krásne citrusová. Difúzujeme v týchto horúčavách v kanceláriách. Príjemne osviežuje priestor a ľahšie sa pracuje. Doslova nás nakopáva s energiou. Určite odporúčam aj na toto využitie v týchto letných horúčavách. Ja osobne som zamilovaná do tejto vône. Krásne osvieži, prevonia a naštartuje výkon.

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Zuzana Děcká

Zuzana Děcká

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Kdyz jsem si kapla tento olejicek na zapesti a prisla za kamaradkou, tak se me hned ptala, cim to vonim. Moc prijemna a osvezujici vune!

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Petra Novotná

Petra Novotná

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Nádherná vůně, osvěží, povzbudí, prostě nakopne. Používám pár kapek na kapesník do sušičky, prádlo nádherně svěže voní.

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+ 2

Kateřina Bezděková

Kateřina Bezděková

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Zahřeje, osvěží, skvěle naladí… takový kamarád do nepohody🙂. Mimo difuzér používáme i do máchací vody místo aviváže. Náš recept: 1/2 l bílého octa+1/2 l vody + 60 kapek esence…prádlo krásně osvěží,

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+ 3

Kitti Nyitrai

Kitti Nyitrai

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citromfű

Nagyon kellemes az illata, így diffúzorba is tökéletes , de én kifejezetten arc tonizálásra rendeltem . Az arc krémembe szoktam tenni 1 cseppet és ezzel kenem be az arcom az neroli esszencia víz után. Nagyon szépen letisztítja az arcom . Csökkentek a pattanások. igazi alap darab :) Nekem jobban tetszik mint a sima citrom illóolaj .

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Agata Piatkowska

Agata Piatkowska

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Trawa cytrynowa

Ciekawy zapach. Zmienia smak potraw diametralnie. Tak jak by azjatycko, bardzo lubię. I wystarczy jedna kropla!!!

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Nikola Karolyiova

Nikola Karolyiova

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Gurjum Balsam

Gurjum balsam spolu s Lemongrass-om sú mojími najvernejšími spoločníkmi. Ich vôňa a taktiež kombinácia oboch vo mne vyvoláva pocit pokoja a taktiež má vedia v ťažkých chvíľach nakopnúť a povzbudiť. Veľmi odporúčam.

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+ 5

Jana Horehleďová

Jana Horehleďová

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Úžasná svěží vůně, navozuje pohodu, klid a relaxaci, pravidelně používám:)

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+ 2

Andrea KyŠkynovÁ

Andrea KyŠkynovÁ

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Ak by som si z JEDNODRUHOVÝCH esenciálnych olejíčkov mohla vybrať len jeden jediný, bol by to práve LEMONGRAS. Proste citrónová tráva je môj obľúbenček. Často si ho pridávam do difuzéra aj k iným esenciálnym olejom, mám ho aj v inhalačnej tyčinke, je to môj miláčik! Používam aj do šampóna, do telového mlieka, alebo do nosného oleja na pleť, a rada si kvapnem ako parfém na pluzné body na zápästí… proste tú opojnú citrusovú vôňu zbožňujem❤️❤️❤️

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+ 5

Kateřina  Drozdová

Kateřina Drozdová

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Naprosto skvělá vůně, myslím si, že musí sednout každému, protože je svěží. Z mého okolí se často ozývá Čím voníš? a je to myšleno v pozitivním duchu. Pouštím si ji v difuzéru a mám ji i v roll onu, protože jsem na ní momentálně naprosto závislá. Mimo to, že je svěží taky pěkně nakopává a zlepšuje náladu. Příště beru 15ml :)

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+ 1

Larysa Korszla

Larysa Korszla

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Trawa cytrynowa

Kilka słów na temat olejku z trawy cytrynowej. Użyłam go pi raz pierwszy przy grypie żołądkowej(ból brzucha ból żołądka) Nie byłam pewna czy pomoże. Ale ku mojemu zdziwieniu na efekty dlugo nie czekałam. Jest on również przeciwgrzybiczny i przeciwwirusowy. Najlepiej go rozcieńczać z olejkiem bazowym migdałowym. Córka go używa w celach kosmetycznych, ponieważ bardzo dobrze ściąga rozszerzone pory skóry i powstrzymuje produkcję sebum. Polecam dla kobiet ktore mają tłustą cerę. Warto sprubowac. Oprócz tego dobrze dodawac po kilka kropli do szamponu.Włosy nie będą tak szybko się przetłuszczać. Polecam bardzo gorąco olejek z trawy cytrynowej firmy Bewit

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+ 2

Milan Rusňák

Milan Rusňák

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Citrónová tráva

Pro mě je LEMONGRASS skvělá intenzivní nedráždivá a libá mému i manželčinu nosu vůně,která je příjemná.Navozuje mi dobrý pocit se skvělou náladou a uvolněním.Vřele doporučuji tento EO,neměl by nikomu chybět!

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+ 3

Paweł  Gembicki

Paweł Gembicki

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Trawa cytrynowa

Dobry zapach. Ciekawie można łączyć

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