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Part of the BEWIT company vision is the concept of the company as the university. This follows to the legacy of the world renowned entrepreneur Tomas Bata.


Everyone should have the rights to educate oneself continually, to work on own self-development and then apply the gained knowledge in practice. Only by this way we can climb to the higher levels of success.

The effectiveness of our work when increasing the revenues as well as in the own business depends together with the other things on the right information at the right time.


The area of personal franchises, or also network marketing, is changing rapidly as well as other specializations. What was true 10 years ago is not applicable today.

And that is also why we have prepared for you comprehensive online learning system Revolutionary marketing. Founder of BEWIT company Jiri Cernota, who is also the respected coach in the personal franchises specialization, has summarized in this course the best principles and practices that we have today in this specialization and it realy works. He gathered them from the leaders of the world's leading network-marketing and personally verified the effectiveness in practice as the successful manager of his own franchise.


We are continuously preparing also other training courses, seminars, workshops and webinars so you can always have the access to the latest knowledge in the aromatherapy and personal franchises specializations.


If you would like to be periodically informed about the latest news register as our partner, BEWIT business owner, and follow us on Facebook and on Twitter.