Create your personal franchise.

Personal franchise - as a unique business model for the 21st century

  • Do you want to start the business but you are not sure if you have all the necessary skills, knowledge and assumptions?
  • Looking for a way to change your specialization and start a new career but you do not want to leave a job that gives you a certain material security from day to day?
  • Do you want to become completely independent financially, to increase your own existing income or to create a reserve for future?
  • Do you already have your own business but it seems that you need to vitalize it? Do you want to catch new and fresh inspiration?
  • Looking for a new life challenge?

If your answer is yes at least to one of the questions then it is certain that business via own personal franchise is the ideal solution for you.


Why personal franchise


Today more than ever applies that the world around us is changing incredibly fast. Few things can be considered as genuine certainty. And this applies to employees and also in the same way for entrepreneurs. Everyone of us has to prove every day over and over again, that has certain value and price. Of course we deserve reward in the form of earnings or profits for our values.

In that way, this condition is very stressful. The other way round we are forced to work constantly on ourselves and to get educated. And also to think about own human value on much deeper level. What are we willing to do for money and what is not possible? How much are we satisfied with our current profession? And do we really feel appropriately rewarded? We are asking whether it is worth to be chased inside of the obligations wheel and do they really make sense? And we are looking for the ways out.

People like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki or his wife Kim highlighted that it is absolutely necessary "to do or create own business”, if you want to achieve financial freedom. It primarily means to understand to the finances, have them fully under control, and not to rely on the other people with own money matters. Whether they are our life partners, financial institutions or employers. And learn how to do the business.

What is personal franchise

Personal franchise is a business model, when the parent company provides the products and all the knowhow needed for success.People as individuals then become as the partners or independent business owners. They use the support from the parent company and build own company, company of personal brand. One can say, that the personal franchise brings the best of existing network marketing. And new practices and principles that work nowadays are applied.

It is a great opportunity and many modern-day authors are writing about it as a chance of 21st century.


What are the advantages of personal franchise

  • start the business without any risk, with almost zero entry costs
  • you have available high-quality products proven in practise
  • equally comprehensive business and professional knowhow
  • you receive support from the other team members, as well as the parent company. They are all interested that you are going to be successful. Your success is their success too. Your profit is also their profit.


And disadvantages?


The same principles which were mentioned at the beginning apply. Baked pigeons do not fly into the mouth. It is necessary to get educated systematically and work on oneself as a personality. Success in this business, as well as in any other human activity, is a result of work, learning and training. It is a combination of proper focus, motivation and self-discipline.

The good news is that you are not alone. You do not have to know everything right now. You do not have to leave your work from one day to another. And you do not need to earn hundreds of thousands in a few weeks. You have all the time that you need to gradually find the way of work that suits you and then think about fast growth and meteoric rise.

BEWIT company is the company of the personal franchises.


“I will never get tired to see how people change, how they overcome the obstacles, how they improve, how they find meaningful work to begin earning more than they expected, how they become more successful and free, how they live happy life. And that is our goal. Helping people to be happy. To live inspired lives.”

Ing. Jiri Cernota, founder and CEO


Have we convinced you?


If yes, we rejoice with you. You can get the most out of the unique opportunity that is offered to you. It is based on the combination of two major trends of nowadays: the interest in pure natural essential oils and the popularity of the modern way how to do the business, where the main role is played by personal attention, honesty, truth, heart and intuition.