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BEWIT Shungite Necklace

Mineral stone

Shungite necklace, spheres

Shungite is a unique mineral found mainly in the Karelia region of Russia. Its age is estimated at 2 billion years. It is a water activator and natural filter for every household.

It is believed that shungite restores the human aura and can rid it of the effects of negative energy. This can be used when wearing necklaces made of shungite beads.

We offer the necklace in 4 variants:

Beads 6 mm diameter – necklace length 40 cm Beads 8 mm diameter – necklace length 36 cm Beads 10 mm diameter – necklace length 42 cm Beads 12 mm diameter – necklace length 40 cm

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62,0 £

51,7 £ without VAT (20%)

BP: 2.24

Code: 8000000000010079

Shungite necklace

The neck area is an important part of the human body. It is one of the major nodal communication centers of the entire system, Wearing shungite beads has a beneficial effect on smoothing the energy background and self-regulation of the whole organism. It is reported that regenerative processes start when exposed to shungite products.

For the first few days, it is recommended to wear the shungite beads for 20–30 minutes a day, taking them off at night. Shungite beads are an effective means of broad prevention.

Shungite is recommended for people with fatigue and weakened thyroid.

Benefits of Shungite Bracelets

  • Bind heavy metals, ammonia, petroleum products, pesticides, phenols, surfactants, chlorine and other organic and inorganic substances.
  • Filter out electromagnetic and radio frequency radiation.
  • Slow down oxidation.
  • Conductive.
  • Support the biological activity of micro and macro nutrients.
  • Enrich water with sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and natural antioxidants.
  • Balance the pH of the water to between 7 and 7.5.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
  • Corrosion resistant.

Grounding stone with high vibration

Shungite is extremely grounding, it is stated that it can help better integrate cosmic wisdom and karmic lessons as its high vibration helps bring your spiritual body down to the physical plane.

Shungite encourages you to learn more and continue towards further spiritual growth. It is also associated with great cosmic mysteries and is said to bring light in times of darkness or uncertainty.

Antioxidant, universal sorbent

By virtue of its structure, shungite is a mineraloid, a non-porous polymineral carbon rock, which contains nearly half of the elements of the periodic table. To the eye, it is an opaque black stone with a more or less pronounced metallic sheen. The age of shungite is around 2 billion years. This fossilised natural material from the seabed has an exceptional composition, properties and a wide range of uses. Its unique hallmark is that it contains non-crystalline carbon in the unusual form of fullerenes. ** Fullerene** is the fourth known form of carbon after diamond, graphene and carbon.

It is the most powerful known antioxidant and universal sorbent. Thanks to this, it purifies the water from pollutants and at the same time supplies it with beneficial and healing substances.


Shungite got its name from its** place of occurrence, the Karelian village of **Shunga on the shores of Lake Onega, where it was first discovered.

Tsar Peter the Great used shungite for his army

Shungite has been used as a healing tool since the beginning of the 18th century. Tsar Peter the Great established the first Russian baths in Karelia and also used the properties of shungite to purify drinking water for his army.

Filters out electromagnetic and radio frequency radiation.

Initially it was mainly used as a substitute for coal coke in blast furnaces for the production of cast iron. Subsequently, new valuable properties of shungite were discovered – absorptive, bactericidal, catalytic, redox, as well as the ability to filter out electromagnetic and radioactive radiation. These properties have enabled the use of shungite in various areas of science, industry and technology, and a number of new nanotechnological materials have been developed based on it.

The properties of shungite have enabled its use in water treatment and purification technology. Water treatment and filtration with shungite is widespread in Norway, Sweden and America. It is used to purify water in wells, reservoirs, swimming pools and for the treatment of wastewater from hospitals.

Northwest Russia is the largest and oldest source of shungite, with other deposits reported in Austria, India, Kazakhstan and the Congo.

Country of origin


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BEWIT Shungite Necklace

Mineral stone

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Ilona Borková

Ilona Borková

Česky CS (translate)

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EO BEWIT KING ARCHETYP KRÁLE. Nádherná a povznášející vůně. Zahřeje na srdci i na duši. Prostupující zemitá dřevitá vůně cedru a santalu, vůně koření, bylinek a citrusů a prožitek završuje nasládlá dřevitá vůně Massoi. Olej má krásnou zelenou barvu. Zakoupila jsem ho synovi, ale zamilovala jsem se do něj i já a nemůžu se ho nabažit. Dávám do difuzéru a rollonku. Mám ho i v aroma lahvičce v autě. V balíčku mi přišly i šungitové korálky. Hned ten den, kdy jsem si je vzala na sebe, mě zachránily od havárie a dva dny nato jsem zachránila malé štěňátko jezevčíka Barunku, které uteklo malé holčičce a málem ho přejelo auto. Silné ochranné spojení šungitu a krále olejů. Už dlouho jsem se necítila tak bezpečně a skvěle. A pokud opravdu toužíte po skvostné vůni pro svého muže, tak neváhejte. V mém okolí kouzlil všechny – muže i ženy.

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Miroslava Kůsová

Miroslava Kůsová

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Náhrdelník ze šungitu

Koupila jsem si náhrdelník ze 6 mm šungitových korálků. Měla jsem obavy, jestli mi nebude krátký, ale je akorát. Stejně má navíc řetízek oček k prodloužení. Moc se mi líbí jeho barva a nenápadný lesk. Krásně mi sedí ve výstřihu. Vzhledem k tomu, že je z malých korálků, vypadá dobře i k tričku. Nevím, jestli má na mne nějaké účinky, ale líbí se mi a ráda jej nosím.

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