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Peruvian ginseng, root powder, food supplement

Lepidium meyenii

The Peruvian ginseng, also known as maca, is one of the oldest and tallest growing plants in the world. It has been nicknamed the „plant from the heights“ because of its ability to grow at high altitudes, where it can withstand a wide range of climatic conditions.

BIO RAW MACA is available in two variants: 120 g in a glass bottle and 400 g in a paper bag.

EU bio BIO zebra


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4,7 £

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BP: 2

Code: 3401120100000001

100% pure and natural Ahinsa Insect Free No dyes No phosphates Non GMO Non synthetic Produced with Love Superfood Vegan

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on animals.

Insect Free

The product contains no insects or parts thereof.

No dyes

The product does not contain dyes.

No phosphates

The product does not contain phosphates.


The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have not been genetically modified.

Non synthetic

The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced ingredients.

Produced with Love

The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love, harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.


The product contains nutritionally valuable superfoods, which are very beneficial for their exceptionally high content of vitamins, minerals and a wide range of bioactive substances.


This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development, testing or production of this item were animal or dairy products used.


The history of this interesting plant probably dates back to 6,000 years before Christ. It was discovered in the Andes Mountains, where it still grows today. In the beginning, it was mainly used by the Andean indigenous population, for whom Maca was the only edible plant growing at such a high altitude. On the basis of its strengthening effects and resistance to high altitude harsh conditions, it has become a tradition that it is a God-sent plant. Based on superstition, Maca has earned its nickname „the strengthening plant sent down from heights“. The first written description of this plant was published in 1553 by the Spanish chronicler Ciezao de Leon, who learned about the plant on his first trip to Peru. He liked the plant so much that he carried it on his return trip to Spain. As a result of this event, awareness of this plant spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world.

Origin and cultivation

This biennial plant, which originates from Peru, is classified in the beet family together with the beet family. In the wild, it is easy to miss, as its above-ground parts grow to a maximum height of 15 centimetres. The underground part of the plant is the root (tuber), which is spherical to spindle-shaped. The root may be cream, white or yellow. However, there are also varieties whose roots are dark red to dark brown. By virtue of its constitution, Maca can withstand harsh alpine conditions such as cold, strong winds, reduced oxygen content and exposure to strong UV radiation. Due to its hardiness, it grows at altitudes of up to 4500 metres above sea level, which is what makes it unique.

Composition and properties

Maca is a rich source of substances with beneficial effects. Maca powder with a yellowish colour is characterised by its typical creamy and sweet taste.

Recommended dosage

Stir 1–3 teaspoons (5–10 grams) daily in water, juice, milk, porridge, smoothies, cereals or other foods. Daily intake of Maca: 5–10 g.


  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
  • This product is not intended to replace a varied and balanced diet.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Not suitable for children under 3 years of age or pregnant and lactating women.
  • Store dry, protect from heat.

In conclusion

  • 100% pure and natural ingredients.
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians


You can choose from two packaging options:

  • in a paper bag, 400 g content
  • in glass bottle, 120 g content

Origin: Peru


[1] WANG, Sunan a Fan ZHU, 2019. Chemical composition and health effects of maca (Lepidium meyenii). Food Chemistry. 288, 422–443.

[2] GAN, Jin et al., Correlations between Antioxidant Activity and Alkaloids and Phenols of Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Research Article. 10.

[3] F. GONZALES, Gustavo, 2012. Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands. Review Article. 10.

[4] GAN, Jin et al., 2017. Correlations between Antioxidant Activity and Alkaloids and Phenols of Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Scientific reports. 10.

[5] GAN, Jin et al., 2017. Correlations between Antioxidant Activity and Alkaloids and Phenols of Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Scientific reports. 10.

[6] HUANG, Yan-Jie, Xing-Rong PENG a Ming-Hua QIU, 2018. Progress on the Chemical Constituents Derived from Glucosinolates in Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Natural Products and Bioprospecting. 8, 405–412.

It is an effective adaptogen. It helps the body to adapt to external conditions such as stress, fatigue or exhaustion.

Health claims from the so-called ON HOLD list

• Physical and mental health

• Endurance

• Vitality

• Fertility

ON HOLD list – This is a list of substances and their relationship to health that have been sent to EFSA for assessment but EFSA has not yet issued an expert opinion or the EC has not yet issued a decision. Please note that these claims are temporary.



Peruvian ginseng, root powder, food supplement

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Adriana Kurincová

Adriana Kurincová

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Na rozhýbanie lymfy ponúka bewit zmes Lym a zmes Wloss, vyskúšala som obe, po oboch išli centimetre z obvodu brucha dole, pre zrelé ženy po 50tke veľmi užitočná zmes :). Používam ho riedený 2% v Bewit mandľovom oleji. Wloss je veľmi mätový, odporúčam skôr na leto ale milovníci mäty ocenia aj v zime. Mne viac vyhovuje vôňa cédru a preto je pre mňa LYM voľba č.1 na podporu lymfatického systému. V mojom prípade za mesiac obvod brucha mínus 2 cm, obvod stehna mínus 1 cm. Odporúčam ešte podporiť organizmus zrelých žien aj práškom MACA od Bewit a medicinalnou hubou maitake, ktorú žiaľ Bewit nemá v ponuke, ale pre milovníčky čokolády ponúka Bewit prawtein Cordyceps.

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Timea Fábián

Timea Fábián

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT BIO RAW Szultána mazsola

Őszintén soha nem voltam oda a mazsoláért…de ezt eszem magában, ha csak kicsit édesség hiányom van…teszem reggel a joghurtba a maca porral együtt. Mikor granolát készítek abba is előszeretettel használom. Biztos, hogy süteményeknél is csodás de nálunk a család úgy nem szereti…mert megpuhul, így magában marok számra fogyasszuk amikor kedvünk van mert nagyon finom! Köszönöm Bewit!

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Timea Fábián

Timea Fábián

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Energia és immunrendszer erősítés és hormonrendszer szabályozás miatt kértem ami megoldást is nyújtott, nem fáradunk el olyan, hamar sokkal több dolgot tudunk véghez vinni de azt vettem észre, hogy mióta esszük, isszuk folyadékban nekem nincs fejfájásom persze biztos az olajok használata prawteinek fogyasztása kiegészítik egymást! Bizony előtte igen sokszor volt még a migrénes is! Nekem már ez megérte, hiszen, aki tudja , hogy az mennyire kellemetlen annak a Maca Por egy ÁLDÁS! Mindig rendelem, hogy legyen itthon!

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