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BEWIT Juniper, fruit

100% pure and natural CTEO® essential oil

BEWIT Juniper, Berry

Juniperus communis

Follow your dreams accompanied by juniper, which will make you feel energetic and give you determination, courage and openness. It also does a great job in the kitchen.

Aroma: fresh, woody, bittersweet with herbal and fruity notes

Use: inhalation, bath, seasoning of food

In stock

13,8 £

11,5 £ without VAT (20%)

BP: 21.84

Code: 9000000100010182

100% pure and natural Ahinsa CTEO® Insect Free Laboratory tested No dyes No phosphates Non GMO Non synthetic Pyramidised

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on animals.


The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences. 

To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.

Insect Free

The product contains no insects or parts thereof.

Laboratory tested

We check the exact composition and quality of essential oils at a unique level in our laboratory in Ostrava. For more information on the methods by which we discover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, se you could find out here Or just take a look at the a sample example of.

No dyes

The product does not contain dyes.

No phosphates

The product does not contain phosphates.


The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have not been genetically modified.

Non synthetic

The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced ingredients.


To significantly improve the properties, quality, durability and efficiency of the product, we apply harmonising pyramidal energy to it during processing, storage and shipping. More information about BEWIT pyramids here.

BEWIT Juniper, fruit

Also known as: common juniper

Take energy from juniper leaves to jumpstart movement and detox.

Say goodbye to cold feet and everything that prevents you from breathing deeply without restraint.

Treat your oily and problematic skin with love.

Feel peace and forgiveness in your heart and move forward without unwanted burdens and fear of failure.

Stir up your desire for private adventures for two.

Become the king of the kitchen too.

A few drops in the diffuser to support the body and spirit as well as fragrance and purify the surroundings.

More Junipers

Juniper essential oil is extracted from the fruit and leaves. The effects of both are similar. The aroma of the essential oil from the fruit is sweeter, more fruity and herbal, from the leaves more woody and earthy. In addition to juniper (Juniperus communis), we can also find the essential oil of red juniper (// Juniperus oxycedrus//), also known as Cade. This, on the other hand, has a more earthy and smoky aroma.


Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil

Country of origin



Refreshes and cleanses

Soothes and comforts

Strengthens comprehensively

Methods of use


Drip 3–5 drops of essential oil into the diffuser or inhalation stick.


Mix 3–5 drops of essential oil and three tablespoons of cream, honey or liquid soap thoroughly into the water-filled bath.

Seasoning of dishes

Just dip the tip of the toothpick in essential oil and stir it in 20 ml of vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil). A few drops of the prepared mixture, season the finished dish.

100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments

Own formulas and developments

We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA

We honour the principles of AHINSA

It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.


Czech botanical name: --
English Name: BEWIT Juniper, Berry
Latin name: Juniperus communis
Country of origin: India
Part of the plant: Berries
Method of obtaining: Steam distilled
Colour: Colourless to pale yellow
Aroma: Sweet, fresh, slightly terpenic

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India - AX2022/03


BEWIT Juniper, fruit

100% pure and natural CTEO® essential oil

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Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Jałowiec, owoc

Uwielbiam ten drzewny a zarazem ciepły zapach olejku jałowca. Taki mój na każdą porę dnia bo i nocy. Jest zawsze przy mnie, poprostu mój zapach, moje perfumy.

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Eva Beranová

Eva Beranová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Jalovec, plod

Kúpila som ho, aby som si mohla spraviť rolonku na Tinitus. Zamiešala som so slamienkou a darovala aj kamarátke. Obe mame problemy s hučanim v ušiach … Vždy keď mi začne, natriem si pred a za uchom na lalôčik a trochu sa to ukľudní.

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+ 1

Tatiana Kopúneková

Tatiana Kopúneková

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Jalovec, plod

S veľkou radosťou idem s vami zdieľať moju skúsenosť s olejíčkami. Bol u mňa brat, intuitívne si vybral 3 oleje: Jalovec, Céder a Materinu dúšku. Zarobila som mu z toho voňavý olej zo slovami: To je to čo práve ty teraz potrebuješ, dávaj si toho koľko krát za deň chceš. Daj si dve kvapky na zápästie, vdýchni , urob s rukami srdiečko okolo seba a uvidíš. Za dva dni mi volal celý šťastný, že je ako nový človek. Povedal, že tie olejčeky sú zázrak. 10 dní bral Flector a lieky od bolesti chrbta a necítil žiadnu úľavu, tak vyskúšal to čo som mu povedala. Po použití olejčeku pocítil úľavu, už mu bolo lepšie, na druhý deň ešte lepšie a na tretí sa zobudil ako vymenený. Aj takéto môže byť stretnutie z esenciálnymi olejmi.

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+ 82

Nemteanu  Doina Stela

Nemteanu Doina Stela

Română RO (translate)

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BEWIT Ienupăr, fruct

Folosesc Bewit Juniper, fruit – cu succes pentru eliminarea apei , dimineata pe stomacul gol, un pahar cu apa in care adaug una sau doua picaturi, nu mai mult! Am observat ca-mi regleaza si tranzitul si deja face parte din tabietul meu zilnic! Recomand cu incredere!

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Katarzyna  Rozenek

Katarzyna Rozenek

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Jałowiec, owoc

Olejek pomocny przy żylakach kończyn. Smaruję nim miejsce, w którym mam duży i spuchnięty żylak. Muszę powiedzieć, że olejek działa. Wieczorem, kiedy zazwyczaj żylak był dwa razy większy teraz jest dużo mniejszy. Oprócz jałowca używam również mieszanki VAHE. Nogi przestały boleć i przestałam mieć uczucie jakby „nie były moje“.

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+ 7

Joanna Tomczyk

Joanna Tomczyk

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Jałowiec, owoc

jałowiec-owoc – doskonały jako składnik mieszanki /cyprys, owoc jałowca, kadzidło, kocanka – wymieszane w oleju gorczycowym/ na krążenie dolne, w tym ściąganie obrzęków z nóg

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+ 2

Anna Borowik

Anna Borowik

Polski PL (translate)

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BEWIT Jałowiec, owoc

Długo zastanawiałam się czy kupić ten olejek i zdecydowanie nie żałuję. Mój mąż ma problemy z układem moczowym i nerkami więc jest to olejek wspierający go w leczeniu, a przy okazji pięknie pachnie i łagodzi stres. Dodaje go również do olejku nawilżającego do brody.

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+ 2

Lenka Vyhnalikova

Lenka Vyhnalikova

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Jedle balzámová

Bewit olejíčky jsou pro mne a mou rodinu terapie. Moje dcera 13 let je po operaci kyčlí, kolen a šlach, aby mohla lépe chodit, je nevidomá a má dětskou mozkovou obrnu a po operaci měla jednu nožičku stále studenou. Po mazaní šlapek olejíčky Jedle, Nopa, jalovec, nožička krásně teplá! Léky od bolesti skoro nepotřebuje a to je po operaci čtyři dny!!! Do difuséru dávám ji Pomeranč, Lemongrass, Kadidlo, Levanduli na klid a nádherně to funguje. Mám z Bewitu hodně olejíčků a nedám na ně dopustit. Mám v každém pokoji difuzér a používáme je všichni. Syn 11 let si na učení oblíbil cedr, Memory, Life, Love a sám si kape dává do difuzéru. My v ložnici si dáváme do difuzéru Eros, Partnership, Love a různě je střídáme s dalšími. Kadidlo, Gold a jiné olejíčky ráda používám i na plet. Používám i Prawtein Love, Sun, Mars, Moon, Dx a další. I moje rodina a přátelé dostávají difuséry a olejíčky jako dárky. Bewit je úžasný a když cokoli potřebuji poradit, vždy mi poradí. Olejíčky používám každý den, ať už jako terapii nebo jen tak pro potěšení a teď čekám i na knihy, abych se dozvěděla ještě víc.

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+ 159

Bernadett Tóth

Bernadett Tóth

Magyar HU (translate)

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BEWIT Boróka, termés

Vízhajtó-keringésjavító hatása miatt vásároltam. Lábaim kenem , maszírozom vele, mivel volt trombózisom, emiatt néha dagad.

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+ 5

Zoltán  Czinege

Zoltán Czinege

Magyar HU (translate)

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BEWIT Boróka, termés

Nagyon jó vízhajtó tulajdonságú illóolaj. Erős láb vizesedésnél használtuk több alkalommal is bedörzsölve, és a Help-H keverékkel kombinálva. A bedörzsöléshez jojoba olajjal kombinálva használtuk, a Help-H keveréket pedig diffúzorban párologtatva.

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+ 7

Kata Farkas

Kata Farkas

Magyar HU (translate)

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BEWIT Boróka, termés

Egy héten belül már kétszer billentett vissza a kellemetlen felfázás gyanús állapotból. Egy hűvösebb kirándulós nap végére éreztem, hogy fáj a vesém. Este jól bekentem hígított borókával, másnapra nyoma sem volt kellemetlen érzésnek! :-) Legutóbb pedig a kelletnél többet ácsorogtam kint a hidegben és estére nagyon át voltam fázva, féltem az utóhatástól, így egy forró fürdő után ismét a borókához nyúltam, annyi különbséggel, hogy a már bekevert boróka+geránium (antistressz) olajkeverékemet alkalmaztam kétszer vesetájékra. Hálsiten ismét megúsztam, másnapra semmi tünet! :-)

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+ 9

Tünde Márkus

Tünde Márkus

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Boróka, termés

Règi műtètből származó vizesedèsre kezdtèk használni. Termèszetesen nem maszírozva csak átsímításra, látvanyosan csökken a lábszár vizesedèse.

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