BEWIT Guava oil - from seeds
Tropical wave of antioxidants
Guava oils will flood you with a tropical wave of antioxidants. Suitable for all skin types
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5,6 £
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Code: 7000000200500025
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„Arcápolásra rendeltem ! Véd a szabadgyökök ellen , így lassítja az öregedést és szépen ápolja a bőrt . Kellemes illata van . Smink alá is szoktam kenni ,hogy puha legyen a bőröm. Nem zsírosít , esszencia vízzel lezárva tökéletes smink alap. De simán reggeli vagy esti arcápolásra is kiváló illetve h...Číst více

Kitti Nyitrai
Let your skin really breathe
Tropical attunement together with an infusion of bioactive substances. These are exactly the attributes of the oil from the seeds of the guava fruit, which resembles a pear in appearance. This delicious fruit was first seen in Mexico, but its cultivation has spread to other countries boasting blue skies without a single cloud.
A remarkable amount of antioxidants make the oil an excellent free radical scavenger.[1][2] It is also filled with minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper and is also rich in fatty linolenic acid.[3][4] At the same time, it's a capable energizer for your skin and quenches even the thirstiest skin. It will help maintain skin elasticity and prevent the signs of premature aging and wrinkles.
The acne fighter and your hair carer
The silky texture of the oil caresses with its lightness and absorbs quickly into the skin. In addition, it is astringent (astringent effects) and non-comedogenic (does not clog pores) – properties that go hand in hand in the fight against unsightly pores and acne. Guava oil also has excellent results in hair care, where it tends to be an ingredient in commercial shampoos designed to restore vitality and shine to stressed hair.
Benefits of guava oil for your skin and body
- The oil moisturises and adds elasticity to the skin
- Astringent and non-comedogenic, therefore suitable for acne-prone skin
- Protects against free radicals and thus acts as a preventive against skin ageing (anti-age effect)
- Quickly absorbed and leaves the skin unified
- Gives strength to hair and nails
- It is suitable for all skin types, especially inflammatory, aging and dehydrated skin.
- Used as a carrier oil for BEWIT essential oils – mixing extends the time of gradual absorption of the essential oil
- Combined with BEWIT essential waters provides deep hydration and balance to the skin
Guava's obscure origins only lend credence to the guesses
Guava (Psidium guajava) is a relatively common fruit in tropical regions. The origin of this very popular fruit is not very clear. However, it is estimated to have originated in Mexico, where it gradually spread through humans and birds to other areas of the subtropical belt, such as South America, China and India. The latter is also currently its largest producer. Europeans first came into contact with Guava in what is now Haiti.
Origin: India
The guava looks like a pear and tastes like a fig. It contains many times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. It is grown in subtropical climates all over the world, up to 1500 metres above sea level.
Psidium Guajava Seed Oil
Instructions for use
Treat your skin, neck and whole body to luxury
Apply to clean skin, neck and body as part of your skincare routine. For complete care and restoration of the protective hydro-lipid barrier, combine with our luxurious BEWIT Essential Waters.
Guava oil is also suitable as a base oil for the preparation of cosmetic products – by combining it with BEWIT essential oil you can dilute the concentration exactly to your needs and thus prolong the absorption time of the essential oil itself. You can also add the oil to face masks and hair wraps.
[1] Corrêa, L., Santos, C., Vianello, F., & Lima, G. (2011). Antioxidant content in guava (Psidium guajava) and araçá (Psidium spp.) germplasm from different Brazilian regions. Plant Genetic Resources, 9(3), 384–391
[2] Baby Joseph et al.REVIEW ON NUTRITIONAL, MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF GUAVA (PSIDIUM GUAJAVA LINN.) International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. Vol.2011 (2), 1. ISSN 0975–6299.
[3] „Caracterização dos óleos de algumas sementes de frutas como aproveitamento de resíduos industriais“ [Characterization of some seed oils from fruits for utilization of industrial residues]. Ciênc Agrotec (in Portuguese). 29 (5): 108–14.
[4] Adchara Prommaban et al. Linoleic acid‐rich guava seed oil: Safety and bioactivity. Phytotherapy Research. 2019;1–16.
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.

100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
BEWIT Guava oil - from seeds
Tropical wave of antioxidants
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Ez a guava olaj igazi csoda! 🌿💧 Tökéletes bőrápolásra, mivel gazdag antioxidánsokban, vitaminokban és ásványi anyagokban. Kiválóan hidratálja a bőrt, miközben csökkenti a gyulladásokat és segít megvédeni a bőrt a környezeti hatásoktól. Emellett az olaj frissítő és revitalizáló hatású, ami ideális választássá teszi a napi bőrápolási rutinhoz. Könnyen beszívódik és nem hagy zsíros érzetet. Ajánlom mindenkinek, aki egy természetes, tápláló bőrápolási megoldást keres! 🌟
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Vždy jsem měla pocit, že olejová kosmetika mé pleti příliš nesedí, že mi ucpává póry. Dala jsem jí však ještě šanci a do Guava oleje jsem si nakapala pár kapek esenciálního oleje Gold A a po měsíci používání vidím poměrné výsledky. Póry jsou menší, čistější, stále se mi sem tam vyhodí pupínek, ale za dva dny zmizí. Dříve se hojily dlouho, když se jeden zklidnil a začal mizet přišly ho dva další podpořit. Za mě tedy, celkem překvapivě, velká spokojenost.
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Arcápolásra rendeltem ! Véd a szabadgyökök ellen , így lassítja az öregedést és szépen ápolja a bőrt . Kellemes illata van . Smink alá is szoktam kenni ,hogy puha legyen a bőröm. Nem zsírosít , esszencia vízzel lezárva tökéletes smink alap. De simán reggeli vagy esti arcápolásra is kiváló illetve hordozó olajnak is :)
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👌Am descoperit recent un ulei vegetal deosebit de potrivit, MIRACOL,pentru
tenul meu, sensibil, cu tendita spre gras. Uleiul din seminte de GUAVA.
pe piele! O adevărată REVELATIE pentru mine! 💗Va invit sa-l încercați Cu
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Miluju jeho lehce sladkou květinovou vůni. Pokud ráno potřebuji povzbudit, nanáším na pleť právě guavu a její vůně mě provází celý den. Používám také jako základ pro osobní parfém, kam přidám ještě kapičku růže.
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Guavový olej je jeden z těch lehčích, což mi naprosto vyhovuje a jako velké plus vnímám, že nevoní. Můžu si do něj tím pádem přidat cokoliv, na co mám zrovna náladu a nijak se to spolu nebije
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+ 2

Nagyon sok hidegen sajtolt kozmetikai olajat ismerek már a BEWIT-től és sokat ki is próbálhattunk már a különféle vásárlók bőrén. A kézfej rögtön megmutatja, hogy mennyi táplálásra van szükség. Kíváncsi voltam a guava olajra és nem csalódtam. Nekem kellemes az aromája is. Egy közepes erősségű olaj, mely közepes táplálást igénylő bőrre a legmegfelelőbb. Nekem bevált, mert ilyen bőröm :)
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