Dear Customers, We would like to inform you that scheduled stocktaking will take place from 2nd January 2025 to 5th January 2025. Due to the Christmas holidays and inventory processes, there may be delays in the dispatch of orders. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
The blend of precious 100% natural essential oils in CTEO® quality
(Certified Therapeutic Essential Oils) can support our calm, smooth and
harmonious communication through its synergistic combination. It can support and
harmonise on the level of body, mind and spirit.
„Rozvíjení soucitu je v poslední době moje téma. Nejprve soucitu k sobě a potom také k druhým. Tenhle olejíček to umí. Srdce otevírá a hladí. Dávám si ho rovnou na srdce ještě s olejíčkem LOVE a cítím, soucítím.. sama sebe, druhé, vše přijímám, objímám, přestávám hodnotit, soudit, mám pro sebe i pro druhé jen podporu a pochopení. Děkuju za něj!“
Barbora Staňková
Compassion – compassion, the ability to empathise with another person,
situation, animal, nature. A quality that makes us mature human beings. Gentle
and beautiful essential oils can help us to support and develop this ability, to
realise and feel the unity that is behind all phenomena. As we become more
understanding and compassionate with others, we become more understanding and
compassionate with ourselves. Recent research confirms that even plants and
trees can communicate and support each other. The BEWIT scientific team is
convinced that essential oils play an important role in these processes.
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and
Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we
have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and
protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include
procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from
plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our
ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the
legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Insect Free
The product contains no insects or parts thereof.
Laboratory tested
We check the exact composition and quality of essential oils at a
unique level in our laboratory in Ostrava. For more information on the methods
by which we discover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, se you could find out
here . Or just take a look at the a
sample example of.
No dyes
The product does not contain dyes.
No phosphates
The product does not contain phosphates.
The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have
not been genetically modified.
Non synthetic
The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love,
harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
To significantly improve the properties, quality, durability and
efficiency of the product, we apply harmonising pyramidal energy to it during
processing, storage and shipping. More information about BEWIT pyramids
BEWIT Compassion contains:
BEWIT Red orange RAW
BEWIT Patchouli
BEWIT Benzoin
BEWIT Gurjum Balsam
BEWIT Himalayan Cedar
BEWIT Palmarosa
BEWIT Ylang Ylang
BEWIT Rosewood
BEWIT Orange
BEWIT Bergamot
Marigold - African
BEWIT Geranium
BEWIT Rosemary
BEWIT Copaiba
BEWIT Spruce
BEWIT Palo Santo
BEWIT Frankincense Sacra
BEWIT Neroli
BEWIT Chamomile
BEWIT Frankincense Carterii
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.
Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.
We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.
We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
Compassion – láska na prvé nadýchnutie. Pre mňa snáď najkrajšia
vôňa zo všetkých Bewit zmesí, ktoré som mala zatiaľ možnosť ovoňať.
Sladučká, ale vôbec nie vtieravo, tak čisto, detsky a nevinne, cítiť
nielen sladké tóny, ale aj citrusy. Krása! Toto sa podarilo. :-))
Nádherná vůně vhodná i na parfém. Cítíte po přičichnutí
pochopení, uklidnění, soucítění. Alternativa self love. Jemnější
bezprostřední nevtirava vůně , oslní vás a po zavření oči jen cítíte
snahu uvědomit si a pochopit ostatní a vžít se do jejich kůže ale i do
té své pokud jste ji do teď nevnímali.
Rozvíjení soucitu je v poslední době moje téma. Nejprve soucitu
k sobě a potom také k druhým. Tenhle olejíček to umí. Srdce otevírá a
hladí. Dávám si ho rovnou na srdce ještě s olejíčkem LOVE a cítím,
soucítím.. sama sebe, druhé, vše přijímám, objímám, přestávám
hodnotit, soudit, mám pro sebe i pro druhé jen podporu a pochopení. Děkuju
za něj!
Ještě znovu musím napsat o této vůni. Poslední dobou je mou
nejoblíbenější, a to nejen dle svého jména a tématu, ke kterému nás
směruje a který je dnes tolik potřeba rozvíjet. Začala jsem ji používat
před meditací a její vůni mám spojenou s klidem a rozšířeným
vědomím, proto kdykoliv ji ucítím, hned mě to „přenáší“ do
správného rozpoložení. Je potřeba si na ni trochu zvyknout, je z těch
hutnějších, těžších, ale dovoluje jít opravdu do hloubky. Velmi mi
vyhovuje, a často ji cítím z oblečení ještě několik dní, když si ji
nakapu např. na zápěstí.
COMPASSION = SÚCIT Silou súcitu každý sám v sebe nájde správny
postoj, rovnováhu. Dajte si zámer, rozvíjať silu súcitu. Každý deň sa na
chvíľu pozerajte na svet očami niekoho iného. Po niekoľkých týždňoch
uvidíme úplne iný svet. Svet, ktorý vidíme srdcom, je svetom, na ktorý je
Radosť sa pozerať a žiť v ňom svoj jedinečný život. Esenciálne oleje
Confession a Conpassion z celého srdca odporúčam, prekrásna vôňa vám
spríjemní chvíle oddychu a meditácie.
Velmi intenzivní vůně. Opravdu stačí několik málo kapek, drží velmi
dlouho. Těžká vůně, lehce navozuje hlubší ponor do nitra.
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If you are interested in contributing your evaluation, please purchase the product first. Your feedback is very important to us. It helps us improve the quality of our service and helps other customers with product selection.
Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is presented for the sole purpose of sharing and promoting personal education. It is not meant to substitute for a personal relationship with a physician or qualified healthcare professional. It is not intended to alleviate or cure any medical or psychological condition, nor to act as a preventative measure, nor to diagnose or encourage such activity. If you are currently under medical care, or undergoing any medical treatment, you should consult with your treating physician regarding changes in diet or changes in relation to the information described.
This information is not intended as medical advice, but rather as a sharing of knowledge and information. We encourage you to form your own opinion about health care in collaboration with a qualified health care professional and make your own decisions based on your judgment and research. These statements have not been evaluated by regulatory authorities. We encourage you to do your own individual research before making a purchase or decision.