BEWIT Carob syrup, organic


BEWIT Carob Syrup Organic

Sweeten your life naturally. Organic carob syrup replaces white sugar and artificial sweeteners and brings originality** and an unmistakable sparkle to your kitchen with its delicate caramel flavour with hints of chocolate and nuts **.

Taste: sweet, slightly chocolatey with a caramel note

Colour: dark

Consistency: thick, creamy

In stock

4,8 £

4,0 £ without VAT (20%)

BP: 3

Code: 9999000090001224


Are you looking for a natural alternative to classic sugar that is not only delicious but also beneficial?

Try our organic carob syrup made from the fruit of the Mediterranean carob tree. It has a rich creamy consistency, deep dark colour and delicious full flavour, which will take your culinary creations to the next level. It is suitable for hot and cold cuisine as a daily addition to the menu.

It is rich in minerals and antioxidants. Thanks to its fibre content, it has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive tract. It is suitable for vegans and for anyone following a gluten-free diet. And it will also be appreciated by moms who want to offer their kids a safe natural snack.

It does not contain caffeine or theobromine so you can enjoy it in peace in the afternoon. It is one of the low-sodium foods. It has a low glycemic index so it is beneficial for sugar management. And as a low-calorie ingredient, it will make it easier for you to maintain your ideal figure.

Use it to sweeten breakfast porridges, garnish pancakes, desserts and ice creams or to flavour drinks such as tea or smoothies. But it will also be handy for cooking and baking – in marinades or dough. Wherever you want to replace the classic sugar. Plus, not only sweetness is brought in, but also a specific flavor undertone making the dishes more interesting.

If you like to experiment, you can also flavor the syrup itself and create your own recipes. Our tip – lavender or chamomile flavoured carob syrup. Just beware, oils, even essential oils, do not dissolve in carob syrup so any composition containing oils must always be shaken vigorously before use.


100% pure and natural product in organic quality, without artificial additives (dyes, flavors, preservatives)

Natural substitute for regular sugar and artificial sweeteners

Rich in minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium) and fibre

Contains no caffeine or theobromine, low in sodium

Low glycemic index

Suitable for vegans

Naturally gluten-free product

Source for antioxidants

Promoting balanced digestion

Support for an ideal weight

Carob or locust bean

Carob, also known as locust bean, is the fruit of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) which is native to the eastern Mediterranean. Its fruits – long dark pods – were already used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. The name carob refers to the legend of St. John the Baptist who fed on carob fruits during his stay in the desert.

It is used to obtain, for example, animal feed, moonshine or powder which serves as a substitute for cocoa or flour. Carob syrup is made by cleaning the hand-picked pods, grinding them and leaving them to infuse in water for many hours. Then the leachate is boiled until it reaches the desired density.

Method of use

It serves as an alternative to refined sugar or other sweeteners. You can use it to flavour marinades or sauces, it is also suitable for sweetening drinks, yoghurt, porridge or for decorating desserts.

Recommended storage

Store dry, protect from heat and direct sunlight.


Organic carob syrup (Ceratonia siliqua)

Country of origin


ø Nutrition facts per 100 g / Nutrition facts per 100 ml
Energy / Energy value 1192 kJ / 285 kcal
Fats / Fats <0 g
– of which saturated fatty acids / of which saturated fatty acids 0 g
Carbohydrates / Carbohydrates 69 g
– of which sugars / of which sugars 36 g
Proteins / Proteins 2.1 g
Salt / Salt 0 g


BEWIT Carob syrup, organic


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Maries Irina

Maries Irina

Română RO (translate)

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BEWIT Sirop de roșcove BIO

„Îmi place foarte mult siropul de roșcove! Are o aromă dulce de caramel, care îl face ideal pentru a-l adăuga în iaurt. Este un ingredient sănătos și natural, pe care îl folosesc atât pentru nepoțel, cât și pentru mine. Îmi place că adaugă o notă de dulceață fără să fie prea greu sau artificial. Recomand cu căldură acest sirop, atât pentru gustul său delicios, cât și pentru beneficiile sale nutriționale!”

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Mirka Krönke

Mirka Krönke

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Karobový sirup, BIO

Používám už dlouho karobový prášek – který jsem si opravdu zamilovala kvůli své jedinečné chuti. Tento sirup mě však překvapil svou sladkou, trošku kyselkavou, karamelovou chutí. Je dost hustý, takže ho teď neskladuji v lednici, ale ve špajzu. Při pečení je výbornou alternativou ke karobovému prášku. Prášek potřeboval delší dobu než se rozpustil, to u sirupu odpadlo. Tuto vlastnost jsem znovu ocenila v neděli při pečení ořechových placiček. Teplému čaji se zázvorem a citrónem dodává opravdu nadpozemskou chuť.

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