BEWIT Cornflower Hydrosol BIO
100% natural hydrolyte
BEWIT Cornflower Hydrosol ORGANIC
Enjoy the gentleness of for irritated and tired skin. The sky-blue flowers of the cornflower will brighten, purify and awaken her in no time with their care.
Skin types: oily, sensitive, problematic
Aroma: floral, herbal
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Am cumparat Hidrolatul de Albastrele deoarece ajuta nu numai la regenerarea si tonifierea tenulului ci si la ingrijirea ochilor si a zonelor apropiate lor. Ea este un bun calmant pentru ochi, un decongestionant, in special pentru ochi inrositi sau pleoape umflate, atenueaza iritatiile pielii, o tonifica si o improspateaza.Linisteste ochii obositi dupa orele petrecute in fata calculatorului. Consider ca reprezinta un real ajutor pentru persoanele cu tenul sensibil. Multumesc Bewit pentru minunatele produse oferite!“

Angela Elena Beju
Is your skin tired and dull due to the daily demands of your work?
Refresh it and give it back youthful glow with our 100% natural organic Cornflower Hydrosol.
It has a beneficial effect on tired eyelids and the eye area.
It tones, cleanses and brightens every face, including mature and sensitive ones.
It regulates the production of sebum and leaves the skin calm.
Unifies skin tone and fights dark or red spots.
It will cool you and its beautiful scent will make your day pleasant.
Soothes the skin
Closes pores and regulates sebum production
Refreshes tired eye area
Tones and brightens the skin
Rejuvenates the appearance
Toning the skin
Cleanse your skin with BEWIT Cleanser. Tone the skin by applying BEWIT Cornflower Hydrosol. Massage the necessary amount of BEWIT Facial Serum or BEWIT Whipped Balm into the moistened skin.
Skin Toning
Tone the skin by applying BEWIT Cornflower Hydrosol. Massage the necessary amount of „BEWIT Body Serum“ into the moistened skin.
Toning and harmonisation of the scalp and promotion of hair growth
Gently massage the required amount of hydrosol into the clean scalp.
Note: The functions of the hydrosol are cleansing, deep hydration of the skin and skin, and preparation for subsequent care. Cornflower hydrosol is particularly suitable for oily and problematic skin.
Hair treatments
Apply the required amount of hydrosol as a rinse-free conditioner to freshly washed wet or dry ends or entire hair lengths.
Note: To refresh, strengthen and moisturise your hair, you can use hydrosol any time of the day.
Country of origin
Centaurea Cyanus Flower Water

100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
BEWIT Cornflower Hydrosol BIO
100% natural hydrolyte
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Am cumparat Hidrolatul de Albastrele deoarece ajuta nu numai la regenerarea si tonifierea tenulului ci si la ingrijirea ochilor si a zonelor apropiate lor. Ea este un bun calmant pentru ochi, un decongestionant, in special pentru ochi inrositi sau pleoape umflate, atenueaza iritatiile pielii, o tonifica si o improspateaza.Linisteste ochii obositi dupa orele petrecute in fata calculatorului. Consider ca reprezinta un real ajutor pentru persoanele cu tenul sensibil. Multumesc Bewit pentru minunatele produse oferite!
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Iubesc aceasta noua apa esentiala, o folosesc de cateva ori pe zi, inainte de a aplica serumuri sau uleiuri hidratante , o recomand cu mare drag pentru regenerare, hidratare, relaxarea fetei si echilibrarea ph ului.
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Tento hydrolát jsem si pořídila ze zvědavosti. Hned při prvním stříknutí na pokožku mě vůně vrátila do mého dětství, když jsem chodila na pole k lesu trhat kytičku chrp pro babičku. Babička měla chrpovou barvu očí. Z pole jsem poskakovala potěšeně domů, nos zabořený do kytičky a radovala se už v tom momentě z pochvaly a smíchu mé babičky. Je to už tak dávno a tato vzpomínka se úplně vytratila. Díky tomuto hydrolátu se nečekaně vrátila a já za ni nekonečně děkuji. Teď si každý večer při mém večerním rituálu vzpomenu, už bez slzí v očích, zato s pokorou a díky. Miluji BEWIT hydroláty a tento je momentálně můj oblíbený. Posledně jsem použila dokonce na vlhké vlasy a ty se mi zdály už po tomto prvním použití vláčnější.
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