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BEWIT Chevron Amethyst

semi-precious stone

Ametyst chevron

Amethyst is an extremely powerful stone, it works on both a physical and spiritual level. This semi-precious stone gives a sense of calm and balance, calms negative thoughts. It has strong cleansing power.

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Chevron Amethyst

Amethyst has been treasured for centuries for its stunning beauty and its legendary ability to soothe the mind and emotions. Today it is perceived as a semi-precious stone, but in history it was a „gem of fire“, a precious stone comparable in price to a diamond. During the Roman Empire, amethyst was more valuable than gold.

It carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality and moderation.

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz, with colors that range from light reddish-purple to deep violet, and it can be either transparent or opaque. The saturation of the colour depends on the amount of iron.

The name originated from the Greek word menthū – mead, which was an intoxicating drink at the time. Therefore, the term amethyst can be translated as ‚non-intoxicating,‘ as the ancient Greeks believed in its ability to counteract intoxication.

In the Czech Republic, it is found in the Podkrkonoší region, along quartz veins near Bochovice and Hoštákov in the Třebíč area, as well as in Ciboušov in the Krušné Mountains. The largest deposits can be found in Madagascar, Brazil, India, the USA, Sri Lanka, Russia, Bolivia, Canada, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Zaire, Australia, Germany, and more.


  • From astrological point of view, amethyst belongs to the sign of Aries according to the Babylonians, to the sign of Capricorn according to the ancient Greeks, and to Pisces, Sagittarius or Virgo according to other sources.

In the chakra system, it is the stone of the crown and supports the needs of the other chakras.

  • Amethyst has long been associated with February and is the traditional birthstone for that month.
  • It stimulates the crown chakra and calms the mind, and is a powerful aid in meditation.
  • For the purification of living spaces, it is recommended to use it alongside amethyst and rose quartz.

Amethyst for all

Amethyst is one of the most effective and powerful crystals for humans, plants and animals. Natural amethysts are particularly beneficial in areas where plants struggle to thrive, animals are restless, and humans feel unwell. Amethyst possesses the power to eliminate negative energy from dwellings, making it one of the most suitable semi-precious stones for home cleansing.

Stone of spiritual purity and meditation

Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones. It opens the way for the development of intuition, bringing intuitive dreams. It is perceived as a bridge between earth and heaven, soul and spirit, turning thoughts away from the mundane to deeper knowledge.

Symbol of transformation

It opens up many mysteries of life. It illuminates daytime visions and nighttime dreams, shedding light on one’s perspective of the future Like a stone of purification, it awakens within us the will, determination, and courage to let go of old habits, ideas, and emotions, replacing them with new ones.


The Greeks believed that amethyst could prevent drunkenness and alcohol addiction. This was supposedly aided by an amethyst stone placed in a wine glass. Aristotle recommended it as a guaranteed effective remedy against drunkenness. Later it was considered a stone of chastity and restraint. In the Middle Ages it was popular with church dignitaries. In the bishop's ring he manifested soulfulness and inner purity. Medieval hunters wore amethyst amulets to protect them from disease and to find new paths.


Height approx. 80–110 mm.

Weight 110–130 g.

Sharpened to a point.

Photo is for illustration only. Each semi-precious stone is a unique original and may differ slightly in shape and texture from the pictures.


BEWIT Chevron Amethyst

semi-precious stone

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Jana Zajacova

Jana Zajacova

Slovensky SK (translate)

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BEWIT Ametyst chevron

Krásny kameň skvelé čistí a nabíja vodu ktorá chuti.

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Mirka Krönke

Mirka Krönke

Česky CS (translate)

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BEWIT Duhový fluorit

Miluji fluority a proto jsem si tento objednala, neočekávala jsem nic zvláštního a proto jsem byla tak krásně překvapená, když dorazil a já jej rozbalila. Okamžitě mě překvapila velikost a síla tohoto polodrahokamu. Pěkně jsem ho očistila a uvítala do naší rodiny. Je opravdu nádherný. Je tak krásný, čistý a neuvěřitelně harmonizuje. Postupně jsem si objednala i Amazonit, Ametyst, Astrofylit, Aventurin, Citrín, Kambaba Jaspis, Lapis Lazuli, Magnezit, Obsidián, Růženín, Sodalit, Turmalín, Tygří Oko, Záhnědu, Zelený Fluorid a Žlutý Fluorid, Zoisit. Všechny tyto Poklady jsou neskutečně krásné, čisté, opravdu velké a mají čistou kvalitu. moc doufám, že přidáte opět i Titanium Halo, to jsem si už pořídit nestačila. Mnohokrát za tyto Poklady děkuji.

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